Friday, June 1, 2012



You'd have to be living under a rock to miss the glamorous stills from Baz Luhrmann's newest book-to-film adaptation masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. Besides the actors, the shining star for this movie is most definitely the glitzy wardrobe. It's hard not to be romanced by the drop waist beaded gowns, no? And have you SEEN those headpieces!? If my head weren't shaped so weird I'd reach right through the screen and snatch those beautiful bands right off their pixie cut adorned heads. Alas, direct computer to person delivery has not yet been made available to my generation, and I do not have access to the wardrobe department of such a film *sad face*. BUT I have compiled a list of items that just might cut it in the make-me-wanna-foxtrot department with a modern twist. If I had the privilege of going to a summer soiree or two at the Gatsby mansion, these pieces would definitely be worn first with the jazziest of attitudes!

(P.S.- this is my first blog post, so cut me some slack- I'm sure I'll get the hang of this whole "blogger" thing soon enough ;)

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